School Dinners & Healthy Schools Info
Children in reception and KS1 all get Universal Free School Meals. Every child qualifies for a free meal until the end of Year 2. However, please notify us if you also qualify for benefit-related free school meals as this allows us to access Pupil Premium funds for your child – over £3,000 per child who qualifies each year. School could not run as it does without these funds. It is straight forward to apply for this online but Mrs Hutchinson can help if necessary.
Current Menu Spring term 2025 (Click to view)
Healthy Schools
In order to encourage children to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy, balanced diet we have a few rules.
Children may have a drink of cordial (not fizzy drinks) at lunchtime with their dinner but may only drink water during the rest of the day. If they bring in a clear bottle they can have water on their table in class and drink it whenever they like.
Children may bring in healthy snacks for mid-morning break. These may include fruit, malt loaf, breadsticks or nuts or but not chocolate, biscuits or crisps. The only exception to this is that they may bring a packet of crisps on Fridays only.
We do not routinely police packed lunch boxes but instead we will speak individually to parents of children who regularly have food of limited nutritional value to help them ensure their children are getting a healthy lunch.
Children will get at least 2 very active PE lessons each week and regularly take part in the daily run. We encourage children to come to school on foot, bike or scooter and most children currently do just that. All children may also have a free warm bagel at the start of the day to ensure that everyone has had a good breakfast before learning starts.
As in all areas, we are always happy to talk to parents about these rules and how we might best support parents to help us keep children healthy.