Lark Hill Primary School

A Happy Place To Learn


Northgate Road

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Admissions & Attendance


Admissions Policy.

The school follows L.A. guidelines on admissions.

Application forms and a helpful booklet can be collected at the school office or from the nursery, and forms can also be completed on line.

The current admission limit for Lark Hill Primary School is set at thirty.  Over the last few years the school has filled all of its places, often being the first choice of parents.

Parents are encouraged to visit the school and are most welcome to call in for an initial look around, and to meet the Headteacher and the staff.  The Headteacher will be pleased to discuss the school and your child with you in much more depth, but may need to make an appointment with you to ensure that enough time is available to answer all of your questions. Arrangements can be made via a simple phone call to the school office on 0161 480 6295.

There will usually be offered open events, optional home visits and new parents meetings invitations which will be posted to all of Lark Hill Nursery children automatically. Alternatively information will be posted with relevant dates and times within the local community and at the local nursery schools.

Parents have a right to appeal against a decision made by an admissions authority in England not to admit their child to the school of their preference.

Arrangements for Children with Disabilities.

Full details of how Stockport schools meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act are available in the L.A.’s Information for Parents booklet.

In brief, it is the policy to integrate disabled pupils in mainstream school, like Lark Hill, if parents wish.  It must be considered if the child’s needs can be met that the education of other children would not be adversely affected, and if the proposition is an efficient use of resources.

At Lark Hill we have wheelchair access to all but one room and discreet toileting facilities.   



We expect children to attend school on time every day. We track attendance closely for each child and have a carefully planned approach to support families who are finding it difficult to maintain good attendance. There are a range of ways in which we support including help with physically getting to school, referral to the school nursing service and other agencies and listening closely to families to provide bespoke support. Where all support has been exhausted and where there are not clear medical barriers to good attendance we work with the local authority to enforce attendance through statutory intervention or prosecution to protect pupils' right to an education.