The school is completely committed to ensuring the safeguarding of all the children and it is our utmost priority. The school complies with all the requirements. These include Health and Safety, Safer Recruitment, Risk Assessments on trips and visits, entrance and exit arrangements, supervision levels, Fire Safety and Child Protection.
All staff take part in appropriate training. All staff are trained in Child Protection and the school has two Designated Officers for Child Protection, Mrs J Clark (Deputy Head) and Mrs J Sarsfield (Pastoral Manager). Mr Kelly, the Headteacher, is also responsible for safeguarding matters.
In cases of serious physical or sexual abuse disclosed by a child, the school is REQUIRED to report the matter to Social Care IMMEDIATELY. In these very serious situations, it is likely that a social worker will contact the parents, NOT the school. This requirement forms part of the Local Authority’s procedures for dealing with child abuse and is not a matter for the discretion of individual head teachers or members of the school staff.
In less clear cases of suspected physical abuse or emotional/psychological abuse, the school is required to discuss the issue with parents before contacting Social Care.
If you have any safeguarding concerns please e mail:-
Stuart Kelly Head Teacher
Jo Clark Designated Safeguarding Lead/ Deputy Head –
Julie Sarsfield Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead –
A useful website for parents is:
Further information can be found at: